azula breakdown – what happened to azula after

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 · The part in Avatar Aang where Azula basically loses it, I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender!

Auteur : Tiny Titan

Azula’s Search Chapter 1: Aftermath an avatar: last

The Flawless Beauty of Azula’s Breakdown

Azula était la princesse de la Nation du Feu, fille du Seigneur du Feu Ozai et de la princesse Ursa, cadette de Zuko, demi-sœur aînée de Kiyi, tante paternelle d’Izumi et grande-tante de Iroh, Elle fut un des adversaires principaux de l’ Équipe de l’Avatar , pourchassant l’ Avatar Aang mais aussi son frère banni à travers le Royaume de la Terre accompagnée de ses deux meilleures amies Mai et Ty Lee ,

She is ultimately defeated by Katara who takes her captive via waterbending, causing Azula to have a complete nervous breakdown, Avatar: The Last Airbender comic series The Promise, Following the end of the war, Azula is admitted to a psychiatric institution, where she is closely monitored, One year after the war’s end, Zuko visits Azula to request her assistance in gaining information from

azula breakdown

Azula, the protector, can generate impenetrable force fields to protect her and her allies, During the first wave of the Taralai invasion, Azula was the first to undertake the Corsa fusion, During the process, the Elders were hesitant if their efforts to produce the Corsa’s were in vein until Azula’s body released a powerful force of energy, Surrounding the Sanctum, Azula’s original

Azula watched this interaction with clenched fists she was pretty sure if she gritted her teeth any harder they would break Author’s Notes: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Just to clarify Kahlee was just in Azula’s head in the prior scene the real Kahlee would never say such cruel things Azula just feels like she would, Please leave a review: lizyeh2000: You’re welcome! He’s


 · Azula was in a pretty bad shape after Avatar: The Last Airbender ended Her paranoia and narcissism evolved into a full-blown mental breakdown even after she was named Fire Lord by her father Ozai When Zuko and Katara arrived to challenge Azula’s claim to the Fire Nation throne, they found the usually calm and calculating firebender deep in a rage, Zuko used her instability in his favor …

Azula turned away her finger pointing at the shattered glass and Li or Lo covered the mirror with a fine cloth made of red silk Their old hands tucked her into bed pulled the covers to her chin like she was three so she pushed them away Before they took their leave of her, they blew out the lamps, leaving thin ribbons of smoke behind them,

Saddest moment of the show azula’s breakdown




Azula Goes Crazy

 · I was rewatching Azula’s breakdown, and It made…

Azula Breakdown

 · The Flawless Beauty of Azula’s Breakdown – Avatar the Last Airbender – YouTube, Write Clearly and Concisely , Grammarly, Watch later, Share, Copy link, Info, Shopping, Tap to …

Auteur : RohaniBoy

Azula’s mental breakdown: A princess’ fall from grace why

My thoughts on Azula’s Breakdown,

Following her emotional breakdown, Azula was put in a mental health facility to recover, though she eventually joined Team Avatar on their search for Ursa, as part of her secret agenda to betray them and usurp the throne from Zuko, At this quest’s completion, however, Azula escaped the team’s supervision,

azula breakdown - what happened to azula after

 · Azula becoming insane at the end of Avatar is a bit jarring this mental breakdown can seem like it comes out of nowhere but the show does a wonderful job of

Auteur : The Forgotten Critic

Destiny Chapter 83: Azula’s Breakdown an avatar: last

 · But I’m trying to buy them Now i don’t know about you but Azula’s breakdown was the saddest part in the show for me, Think about it, she was born and raised a princess being told she was a prodigy and she was superior to everyone, Her mother never loved her so she developed a tactic of pushing her feelings down, She used fear to control people and when Zuko was finally gone she had …

 · My original opinion was that Azula had merely suffered a nervous breakdown, but, when I really think about it, has anyone who has suffered a breakdown been reduced to constant paranoia and hallucinations that have lasted for a prolonged period of time I apologise, my knowledge on nervous breakdowns and what they entail is very limited? And if Azula did suffer a breakdown, was it …

Avatar: What Happened To Azula After The Last Airbender Ended

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