1 10 in turkish

26 lignes · 9,756,234: cardinal: dokuz milyon yedi yüz elli altı bin iki yüz otuz dört, The ordinal can be constructed by replacing the last cardinal…

the good the bad and the queen – merrie land

 · The Good, The Bad & The Queen——好人、坏蛋还是皇后一样都是人,一样都做着生存所必须做的事,与其为了虚浮的名利而身心交瘁,倒不如甩掉包袄,呼吸一下乡野的新鲜空气,活出自己真正想要的人生——安然、幸福, 曲目,,,,,, 01 History Song 02 ’80’s Life 03 Northern Whale 04 Kingdom Of Doom 05 Herculean 06…

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