cerebellar hemorrhage prognosis – cerebellar hemorrhage treatment

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cerebellar hemorrhage prognosis

 · The prognosis of patients with a spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage is grim whether operated or not • Only one in 3 patients survived at least a year after the bleed and one in 10 was independent • Patients who are discharged in a non-functional state have an especially grim prognosis •

Author : Gill E Sviri, Gill E, Sviri, Shadi Hayek, Iddo Paldor, Iddo Paldor

Unlike pontine hemorrhages, cerebellar hemorrhages carry a relatively good prognosis if timely evacuation and control of hydrocephalus can be obtained, Prompt diagnosis and neurosurgical referral are therefore key, Typically if a hemorrhage causes brainstem compression or is greater than 3 cm in diameter 20-30 mL then evacuation is beneficial 2,

Prediction of 30-day mortality in spontaneous cerebellar

Cerebellar hemorrhage

Prognosis in intracerebral hemorrhage

 · Almost all agree that a patient who is comatose flaccid and without brainstem reflexes with a large midline hemorrhage has a poor prognosis For …

The clinical presentation of cerebellar hemorrhage can range from symptoms mimicking ischemic stroke to catastrophic neurologic decline, Symptomatology largely depends on the size of the hemorrhage and the degree of perilesional edema, The posterior fossa is a tight compartment with virtually no additional space to accommodate the mass effect, Thus, the hematoma and its associated swelling can cause …

Long-Term Outcome and Prognostic Factors After Spontaneous

 · Traditionally cerebellar hemorrhage has been considered a subgroup of ICH with a particularly grim prognosis; early mortality varies from 18 to 75% [7–10] While there have been a few case series that report short- and intermediate-term outcome of cerebellar hemorrhage [ 9 – 11 ] long-term data on the outcome following spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage are generally lacking [ 12 ],

Prognosis of cerebral hemorrhage

 · Unconsciousness, painful headaches, nausea, vomiting, weakness, paralysis, loss of vision, problems with the speech and sudden confusion all indicate that the patient might experience cerebral hemorrhage, Treatment depends on the cause, location and the severity of bleeding,

Cerebellar haemorrhage: management and prognosis

Cerebellar hemorrhage

cerebellar hemorrhage prognosis - cerebellar hemorrhage treatment

Cerebellar haemorrhage: Management and prognosis

Intracerebral hemorrhage ICH is the most devastating type of stroke with the greatest mortality rate, Unfortunately there are no clinically proven therapies, and treatment is typically supportive, Given the poor prognosis, many families are faced with the decision to limit or withdraw care from those who have had an ICH, Many clinical grading systems have been developed to help stratify patients with ICH and aid in predicting prognosis, …

Cited by : 18

Risk factors & short-term prognosis of cerebellar

Acute cerebellar hemorrhage

The impaired conscious state seen in cerebellar hemorrhage can largely be attributed to the development of hydrocephalus resulting in intracranial hypertension and/or direct brain stem compression,[28 34] In many studies and consistent with our own results initial impaired consciousness has been shown to be a strong risk factor for poor outcome after cerebellar hemorrhage,[8 11 12 14 …

An autosomal dominant form of cerebral amyloid angiopathy caused by mutation s in the APP gene encoding amyloid-beta A4 protein The deposition of amyloid in cerebral blood vessels wall may lead to degenerative vascular changes that may result in cerebral hemorrhage

 · ICH is a relatively common subtype of stroke and it is associated with high mortality and functional disability rates 12 Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage SCH accounts for 10% of all ICHs and leads to more devastating consequences with a 30-day mortality rate ranging from 30% to 50% 34 Hematoma evacuation for SCH may prevent secondary brain injury, brainstem compression, fourth …

Firsching R Huber M & Frowein R,A, Cerebellar haemorrhage: Management and prognosis, Neurosurg, Rev, 14, 191–194 1991, https://doi,org/10,1007/BF00310656, Download citation, Received: 04 October 1989, Accepted: 07 March 1990, Issue Date: September 1991, DOI: https://doi,org/10,1007/BF00310656

Cited by : 86

Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage carries a grim prognosis

Cerebellar haemorrhage: management and prognosis Neurosurg Rev 1991; 143:191-4 ISSN: 0344-5607 Firsching R; Huber M; Frowein RA Of 26 patients with CT confirmed intracerebellar haematoma 17 had ventricular drainage performed and 7 patients had the haematoma evacuated Eleven patients died, Mortality was clearly related to state of consciousness, Seven out of 8 non-comatose patients …

Cerebellar Hemorrhage Treatment & Management: Medical Care

Although a majority of reported cases of cerebellar hemorrhage are subacute or chronic, an acute form of cerebellar hemorrhage occurs that results in coma within 48 hours of onset and is probably always fatal without surgical intervention, Our experience with 12 consecutive patients with proved acute cerebellar hemorrhage is summarized, Of three patients treated with aggressive medical therapy …

Cerebellar hemorrhage Concept Id: C0149854

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