sesquiterpene lactone mix – lactones sesquiterpéniques huile essentielle

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Sesquiterpene Lactone Mix

sesquiterpene lactone mix

Sesquiterpene lactone mix patch testing supplemented with dandelion extract in patients with allergic contact dermatitis atopic dermatitis and non-allergic chronic …

Sesquiterpene Lactone Mix and Compositae Mix

Sesquiterpene lactone is found in many plants from the Composite or Asteraceae family- AKA daisy, aster or sunflower family, Sesquiterpene lactone mix contains alantolactone, dehydrocostus lactone, and costunolide, Patients allergic to sesquiterpene lactone mix may react to the plant or pollen, as well as cosmetics, ointments, creams, lotions,

sesquiterpene lactone mix - lactones sesquiterpéniques huile essentielle

Sesquiterpene lactone mix

 · Un nouveau mélange, le sesquiterpene lactone mix II est proposé pour augmenter la sensibilité du test, Il devrait comprendre 5 nouveaux composés : …

Sesquiterpene lactone mix contact sensitivity and its

6278 patients were patch tested with a sesquiterpene lactone mix SL-mix in 10 European clinics 4011 patients were tested only with 0,1% SL-mix 63 approximately 15% of whom were positive with 26 41% of these cases being considered clinically relevant There were no cases of active sensitization though 5 cases of irritation were reported, 22 irritant reactions and 22 cases of active sensitization occurred when testing also with 1% and 0,33% concentrations of SL-mix, SL-mix …

i Qu’est-ce que le Sesquiterpene lactone mix et où le trouve-t-on ? Ce produit est isolé à partir des plantes d’espèce Saussurea lappa, L’essence qui est extraite de cette plante est utilisée en parfumerie et en Orient pour soigner toutes sortes de maladies, Costunolide est présente dans la plante avec le lactone déhydrocostus, Peut provoquer des dermites de contact,Des recherches ultérieures

Sesquiterpene lactone isolated from the Compositae plant Saussurea lappa, The oil which is extracted from Saussurea lappa is used in perfumery and in the Orient for all kinds of diseases, Costunolide is present in the plant together with dehydrocostus lactone, May cause airborne contact dermatitis,

 · A mix- ture of sesquiterpene lactones was used for systematic sur- veys, This mixture allowed the aetiological diagnosis of at least 30 % of cases of dermatitis due to plants containing sesquiterpene lactones, KEY-WORDS:Asteraceae Compositae, – Frullania, – Lauraceae, – Sesquiterpene lactones, INTRODUCTION Les plantes contenant des lactones sesquiterp~- …

Patch testing with the “sesquiterpene lactone mix”: a

Lactones sesquiterpéniques et plantes

 ·  · Sesquiterpene lactone mix is a mixture of substances used as a screening test for allergy to members of the daisy family, Modes of sensitization include airborne, direct/indirect contact, inhalation,


What is Sesquiterpene lactone mix and where is it found? Sesquiterpene Lactone Mix contains three chemicals; alantolactone, dehydrocostus lactone, and costunolide, These chemicals are found in many plants from the Compositae plant Saussurea lappa or Asteraceae family, This plant family is large,

Sesquiterpene Lactone Mix

The sesquiterpene lactone mix SL mix consists of 3 allergens: alantolactone, costunolide, dehydrocostus lactone, Keywords Sesquiterpene Lactone Helianthus Annuus Garden Plant Compositae Family Compositae Plant

Sesquiterpene Lactone Mix , Contact Us, Contact Allergy Links Contact Dermatitis Info, Contributors, Return to Main List, Links, Where is it found? What is it? Hints on avoiding: Cosmetics Creams Lotions Ointments Topical medicines especially “natural” Plants where it is found? Sunflower Tansy Tulip tree Whitewood of commerce Wormwood Yarrow Lettuce Liverwort Marguerite Marigold Marsh elder

Sesquiterpene lactone mix patch testing supplemented with

Where is sesquiterpene lactone mixfound? Sesquiterpene lactone is found in many plants from the Composite or Asteraceae family-AKA daisy, aster or sunflower family, Sesquiterpene lactone mix contains alantolactone, dehydrocostus lactone, and costunolide, Patients allergic to sesquiterpene lactone mix may react to the plant or pollen, as well as cosmetics, ointments,

Sesquiterpene lactone mix

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sesQuiterpene lActone mix

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Sesquiterpene Lactone Mix

Sesquiterpene lactone mix

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In a retrospective case note analysis over a 4-year period 0,9% of all patients tested with a standard patch test series 65 of 7600 were demonstrated to have clinically relevant responses to a sesquiterpene lactone SQL mix Of these patients 11 17% also had a diagnosis of chronic actinic dermatitis,

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