the truth about vaccines

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The Truth About Vaccines encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional, If you purchase anything through this website, you should assume that we have an …

The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn’t want you to know

 · The scientists who created these vaccines did not want to simply insert live or dead virus into the body like a traditional vaccine does They wanted to teach the cells “what to do” thus changing the immune system into a vaccine factory The downside risk of course, is that this tweaking will confuse the immune system causing it to attack vital organs in the body, That’s commonly referred to as an …

Dr Simone Gold – The Truth about the CV19 Vaccine


 · “The vaccines are demonstrating that they protect against the new variants,” Even if you’ve had COVID-19 getting those shots is well worth it Scientists have found that even a single dose of

How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions

The Truth About Vaccines

 · Those pushing the vaccines disingenuously or stupidly leave out the age issue A vaccine might reduce risk for an 80 year old but increase risk for people under 40 Last time I looked the IFR infection fatality rate for people in the US under age 35 was 4/1,000th’s of 1% In other words for every 100,000 infections, 4 would die, and that undoubtedly skews toward obese 33 & 34 year olds, The risk …

the truth about vaccines

MYTH #6: I received the vaccine therefore I don’t have to wear a mask or social distance “Vaccines are one of the many tools in our toolkit that we know can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 However just because you received the COVID-19 vaccine does not mean you should stop wearing masks or social distancing, We are still trying to determine whether or not a person can spread the infection to others …

The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn’t want you to

 · ‘COVID LIES: THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES’ – The Michael Savage Show – Tuesday June 22, 2021

the truth about vaccines

 · The FDA has only approved it to be used as an experimental drug This is very important legally because the pharmaceutical companies would not be liable for any side effects,c future conditions or problems that arise from the vaccine or any deaths that are caused from taking the vaccine There’s a huge issue with the safety of this vaccine One reason is because there has been tremendous failure when previous coronavirus vaccines have been tested such as the H1 N1 flu vaccine

The Covid-19 “Experimental” mRNA Vaccine Are You Being

 · Normally once over 50 people die you’d stop the vaccine For example Back in 1976 9 states halted the swine flu vaccine after just 3 deaths! Before it was halted nationwide up to 32 people were estimated to have died and over 450 people …

Misinformation is killing people Here’s the truth about

 · We have a very transmissible virus which has the potential to evade our vaccines in terms of how it protects us from severe disease and death The CDC boss just admitted all their vaccines are useless in preventing the spread of the present delta virus and incoming other prescheduled variants

The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccines

 · This includes: 132 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine 177 million doses of Pfizer and 12 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson J&J COVID vaccine Of the 6,985 deaths reported as of June 25 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination 15% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated

Joachim Hagopian: Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine

 · The Washington Post claimed Ron Johnson was lying when he said that natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity and that the vaccines have killed thousands of people We challenged Rizzo to defend his article but he refused Glenn Kessler said they don’t debate, but would consider any counter arguments, We started by disputing the first sentence “No study or case has established this” on July 20 showing two studies that claimed vaccines …

The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn’t want you to

 · https://childrenshealthdefenseorg/news/the-truth-about-fauci-featuring-dr-judy-mikovits/ The Interview The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine It does not improve your immune response to the infection, nor does not limit you from getting the infection, It’s really an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable …

The censored and untold truth about Covid-19 and the Covid

 · The experimental vaccine has not been shown to reduce mortality in a disease which already has an almost non-existent mortality rate and there’s no evidence that it stops transmission Why is the vaccine being mandated again? Dr Gold raises the very real security threat of mandating an experimental vaccine “What if for example you’ve given that vaccine to all of your healthcare workers and you’ve given that vaccine …

As Adverse Reactions to Covid ‘Vaccines’ Reach 400000

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